=====Oracle Apex Source Code automatisch exportieren und einchecken mit Git unter Windows mit der PowerShell===== **Aufgabe:** Täglich den Apex Source in ein Git Repository einchecken Zu Git siehe [[prog:git_server|Distributed version control mit Git]] **Lösung:** Mit dem Hilfsprogramm **oracle.apex.APEXExport** lassen sich alle Elemente von Apex exportieren , mit **oracle.apex.APEXExportSplitter** läßt sich die Application in einzelne Elemente zerlegen. **Ablauf im Script:** - Falls noch kein Security Object für das Password hinterlegt ist, Password vom User abfragen - Umgebung setzen - Export des Workspaces - Export der Instance - Aufsplitten der Application in Einzelelemente - Einchecken in GIT Das besondere am folgenden Powershell Script ist das Password Handling. Das Password des Oracle Users ist nicht im Script enthalten. Nach dem Anpassen der Parameter muss daher das Script einmalig über die Powershell interaktiv gestartet werden um das Passwort des Oracle Users zu hinterlegen. Dazu wird das PSCredential Object verwendet, eine Dialog Box wird geöffent, das Objekt wird als XML File serialisiert und beim nächsten Start des Script wieder verwendet. ---- === Script === #============================================================================== # Author: Gunther Pippèrr ( http://www.pipperr.de ) # Desc: Backup APEX instance # Date: March 2012 # Site: https://www.pipperr.de/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=prog:apex_export_source_code_and_git #============================================================================== <# .NOTES Created: 03.2018 : Gunther Pippèrr (c) http://www.pipperr.de Security: (see http://www.pipperr.de/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=windows:powershell_script_aufrufen ) To switch it off (as administrator) get-Executionpolicy -list set-ExecutionPolicy -scope CurrentUser RemoteSigned .SYNOPSIS Script to Backup APEX instance .DESCRIPTION Script to rScript to Backup APEX instance .COMPONENT Oracle Backup Script .EXAMPLE #> #============================================================================== #============================================================================== # Helper Function to write log file and display message ## function local-print{ # Parameters Param( [String] $ForegroundColor = 'White' , [String[]] $text , [String[]] $errortext ) # End param Begin {} Process { $backup_log = $log_file # Message for the log if ($errortext){ $text=$errortext $ForegroundColor = "red" } $log_message = (Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") +":: " +$text try { write-host -ForegroundColor $ForegroundColor $text # check if the file is accessible try{ $log_message | Out-File -FilePath "$backup_log" -Append } catch { write-host -ForegroundColor "red" "Error -- Log file not accessible see text above" } } catch { throw "Error -- Failed to create log entry in: $backup_log. The error was: $_." } } End {} } # Environment $Invocation = (Get-Variable MyInvocation -Scope 0).Value $scriptpath=Split-Path $Invocation.MyCommand.Path $log_file="C:\work\apex_backup.log" local-print -text "Info -- start the Script in the path $scriptpath" # Runtime Parameter $apex_util_dir = "C:\oracle\apex\utilities\" $ora_odbc_lib = "C:\oracle\products\\dbhome_1\jdbc\lib\ojdbc8.jar" $java_home = "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_112" $git_home = "C:\Program Files\Git" $git_repos = "C:\work\apexRepos" # DB $database="" # PWD $db_user = "system" $oracle_credential = "$scriptpath\ORACLE_CREDENTIAL.xml" # # To store the password we use the PSCredential object # if the serialized object of the password not exists # prompt the user to enter the password # if (!(test-path -path $oracle_credential)) { $user_credential=GET-CREDENTIAL -credential "$db_user" export-clixml -InputObject $user_credential -Path $oracle_credential } else { $user_credential=Import-Clixml -Path $oracle_credential } #get the clear type password $db_password=$user_credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password # set the environment set-item -path env:CLASSPATH -value "$ora_odbc_lib;$apex_util_dir" set-item -path env:GIT_HOME -value "$git_home" set-item -path env:JAVA_HOME -value "$java_home" #============================================================================== # go to the git Repos $repos_workspace="$git_repos\workspace" if (!(test-path -path $repos_workspace)) {new-item -path $repos_workspace -itemtype directory} Set-Location $repos_workspace # Export all Workspaces & "$ENV:JAVA_HOME\bin\java" oracle.apex.APEXExport -db $database -user $db_user -password $db_password -expWorkspace 2>&1 | foreach-object { local-print -text "JAVA OUT::",$_.ToString() } $repos_report="$git_repos\interactiveReport" if (!(test-path -path $repos_report)) {new-item -path $repos_report -itemtype directory} Set-Location $repos_report # -expSavedReports # & "$ENV:JAVA_HOME\bin\java" oracle.apex.APEXExport -db $database -user $db_user -password $db_password -expPubReports # $repos_instance="$git_repos\instance" if (!(test-path -path $repos_instance)) {new-item -path $repos_instance -itemtype directory} Set-Location $repos_instance # Export the Instance & "$ENV:JAVA_HOME\bin\java" oracle.apex.APEXExport -db $database -user $db_user -password $db_password -instance 2>&1 | foreach-object { local-print -text "JAVA OUT::",$_.ToString() } # alternativ Source Code exportieren only of one application # java oracle.apex.APEXExport -db -user system -password xxxxxx -applicationid 100 # Split the Code local-print -text "Info -- Split the files in $git_repos\instance" -ForegroundColor "green" # Loop over all sql Files $sqlfiles = Get-ChildItem -Path "$git_repos\instance" -filter f*.sql for ($i=0; $i -lt $sqlfiles.Count; $i++) { # remove old not necessary # Remove-Item -Path $sqlfiles[$i].BaseName -Recurse -Force # Split the files write-host "Info -- Split App :: " $sqlfiles[$i].BaseName & "$ENV:JAVA_HOME\bin\java" oracle.apex.APEXExportSplitter -update $sqlfiles[$i].FullName 2>&1 | foreach-object { local-print -text "JAVA OUT::",$_.ToString() } } #============================================================================== # GIT Set-Location "$git_repos" $datum = Get-Date & "$ENV:GIT_HOME\cmd\git.exe" add . 2>&1 | foreach-object { local-print -text "GIT OUT::",$_.ToString() } & "$ENV:GIT_HOME\cmd\git.exe" commit -m "Commit done by $env:UserName at $datum" 2>&1 | foreach-object { local-print -text "GIT OUT::",$_.ToString() } # Push to remote if exists #& "$ENV:GIT_HOME\cmd\git.exe" push # Optimize database to avoid a too large db & "$ENV:GIT_HOME\cmd\git.exe" gc 2>&1 | foreach-object { local-print -text "GIT OUT::",$_.ToString() } # go back home Set-Location $scriptpath ################### END ############################ Aktuelle Version für die OraPowerShell unter https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gpipperr/OraPowerShell/master/Ora_PowerShell_env_DB_backup/backupApex.ps1 ---- ==== Quellen ==== Oracle: * Application Express App Builder User's Guide => https://docs.oracle.com/database/apex-5.1/AEADM/managing-existing-workspaces.htm#AEADM-GUID-FC2A4006-96F0-45F0-B160-9964AB408688 * https://www.talkapex.com/2012/04/command-line-backups-for-apex/ Powershell: * https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/heyscriptingguy/2013/03/26/decrypt-powershell-secure-string-password/ * https://ye110wbeard.wordpress.com/2012/05/21/three-ways-to-pass-credentials-in-a-powershell-script/