#============================================================================== # Author: Gunther Pippèrr ( http://www.pipperr.de ) # Desc: Library for the Oracle Data import / Export scripts # Date: 01.Dezember 2017 # Site: http://orapowershell.codeplex.com #============================================================================== <# .NOTES Created: 11.2017 : .SYNOPSIS write data to the oracle database with sqlplus .DESCRIPTION write data to the oracle database with sqlplus .COMPONENT Oracle PS Helper Scripts #> #============================================================================== # Environment #============================================================================== Set-Variable CONFIG_VERSION "0.2" -option constant # Rember the script path to find the csv $Invocation = (Get-Variable MyInvocation -Scope 0).Value $scriptpath=Split-Path $Invocation.MyCommand.Path $starttime=get-date write-host "Info -- start the Script in the path $scriptpath at $starttime" -ForegroundColor "green" cd $scriptpath # Set working directory if executed as job # My local Settings $oracle_home="C:\oracle\products\\client_64" $sql_connect_string="gpi/gpi@gpidb" $data_csv="$scriptpath\userDataImport.csv" # set the Oracle HOME variable try { set-item -path env:ORACLE_HOME -value $oracle_home } catch { new-item -path env: -name ORACLE_HOME -value $oracle_home } #============================================================================== #read the data input $input_csv = Get-Content "$data_csv" # loop over each line of the data input foreach( $line in $input_csv ) { #debug #write-host $line #check for empty lines and skip this lines for ($line.length() -le 5) { # exit from this iteration round continue } # split the csv # $val1,$val2,$val3 = $line.split('|') #debug write-host $val1 write-host $val2 write-host $val3 $command="update dataTab set val1='$val1' , val2='$val2' where val3='$val3'" # Write the data with sqlplus # must be on start of line!! $writeData=@" set pagesize 0 set feedback off $command commit; quit "@| & "$env:ORACLE_HOME\sqlplus" -s "$sql_connect_string" # trim the response try { $writeData=$writeData.trim() } catch { write-host "Object is empty - check your code" } #DEBUG write-host $writeData } $stoptime=get-date write-host "Info -- finsh the Script at $stoptime" -ForegroundColor "green" #============================= End of File ====================================