create or replace package body encrypt_util as --+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- thankt to: -- see --+ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- g_crypt_clear_key varchar2 (256) := ''; g_encryption_key raw (32) := ''; --+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ENCRYPT_DES is the encryption algorithem. -- Data Encryption Standard. Block cipher. -- Uses key length of 56 bits. -- -- CHAIN_CBC Cipher Block Chaining. Plaintext is XORed with the previous ciphertext -- block before it is encrypted. -- -- PAD_PKCS5 Provides padding which complies with the PKCS #5: Password-Based -- Cryptography Standard --+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- g_encryption_type pls_integer := dbms_crypto.encrypt_des + dbms_crypto.chain_cbc + dbms_crypto.pad_pkcs5; --+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- encrypt a text --+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function encrypt (p_plaintext varchar2) return raw deterministic is encrypted_raw raw (2000); begin encrypted_raw := dbms_crypto.encrypt (src => utl_raw.cast_to_raw (p_plaintext) , typ => g_encryption_type , key => g_encryption_key ); return encrypted_raw; end encrypt; --+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- decrypt a text --+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function decrypt (p_encryptedtext raw) return varchar2 deterministic is decrypted_raw raw (2000); begin decrypted_raw := dbms_crypto.decrypt (src => p_encryptedtext , typ => g_encryption_type , key => g_encryption_key ); return (utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2 (decrypted_raw)); end decrypt; --+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- clean string from whitespaces to avoid sql injection --+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function cleantext (p_text varchar2) return varchar2 is v_text varchar2 (32000); begin v_text := replace (p_text, chr (10), ''); v_text := replace (v_text, chr (13), ''); v_text := replace (v_text, ' ', ''); v_text := regexp_replace (v_text , '[[:space:]]' , ''); return v_text; end cleantext; --+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- get a key from the local db enviroment -- The encryption key for DES algorithem, should be 8 bytes or more. --+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function getkeyfromlocal(p_private_key varchar2 default null) return varchar2 is v_obj_id1 varchar2 (12) := '00000'; v_obj_id2 varchar2 (12) := '00000'; v_key varchar2 (2000) := 'PWD'; begin -- get some ids from default objects, that not chaning so often .-) select to_char (object_id) into v_obj_id1 from user_objects where object_name = 'ENCRYPT_UTIL' and object_type = 'PACKAGE BODY'; select to_char (sum (object_id)) into v_obj_id2 from all_objects where object_name = 'DBMS_STANDARD' and owner in ('SYS', 'PUBLIC'); v_key := initcap (sys_context ('USERENV','CURRENT_SCHEMA')) || '#' || lower (sys_context ('USERENV', 'CURRENT_SCHEMAID')) || '*' || nvl (v_obj_id1, '00000') || '$' || initcap (sys_context ('USERENV', 'DB_NAME')) || '+' || nvl (v_obj_id2, '00000'); if p_private_key is not null then v_key := p_private_key||v_key; end if; return substr(v_key,0,32); end getkeyfromlocal; --+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- store passwords in to a object -- need create function right -- grant create procedure to -- grant create type to -- debug exec encrypt_util.storepwd('ABCDE',1,'FUNCTION','1234') --+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure storepwd (p_pwd varchar2 , p_slot number , p_store varchar2 default 'OBJECT' , p_private_key varchar2 default 'NO' ) is cursor c_read_type is select text from user_source where name = 'PWD_WALLET' and type = 'TYPE BODY'; v_f_template varchar2 (2000) := 'create or replace function getSecretUserPwd##Slot## return raw is begin return (''##CRYPT_KEY##''); end;'; v_o_template_s varchar2 (4000) := 'CREATE or replace TYPE pwd_wallet AS OBJECT ( password varchar2(56) ,MEMBER FUNCTION getUserPWD1 RETURN raw ,MEMBER FUNCTION getUserPWD2 RETURN raw ,MEMBER FUNCTION getUserPWD3 RETURN raw ,MEMBER FUNCTION getUserPWD4 RETURN raw ,MEMBER FUNCTION getUserPWD5 RETURN raw )'; v_o_template_b varchar2 (4000) := 'CREATE or replace TYPE BODY pwd_wallet AS MEMBER FUNCTION getUserPWD1 RETURN raw IS BEGIN RETURN (''##CRYPT_KEY1##''); -- Slot1 not remove END; MEMBER FUNCTION getUserPWD2 RETURN raw IS BEGIN RETURN (''##CRYPT_KEY2##''); -- Slot2 not remove END; MEMBER FUNCTION getUserPWD3 RETURN raw IS BEGIN RETURN (''##CRYPT_KEY3##''); -- Slot3 not remove END; MEMBER FUNCTION getUserPWD4 RETURN raw IS BEGIN RETURN (''##CRYPT_KEY4##''); -- Slot4 not remove END; MEMBER FUNCTION getUserPWD5 RETURN raw IS BEGIN RETURN (''##CRYPT_KEY5##''); -- Slot5 not remove END; end; '; v_template varchar2 (32000) := ''; v_key varchar2 (2000); v_slot varchar2 (2); v_count pls_integer; begin -- set your private key to harden the safe if p_private_key != 'NO' then g_crypt_clear_key := getkeyfromlocal(p_private_key); else g_crypt_clear_key := getkeyfromlocal; end if; --dbms_output.put_line ('-- Info :: set New Key ::'||g_crypt_clear_key); g_encryption_key := utl_raw.cast_to_raw (g_crypt_clear_key); -- prevent for SQLInjection v_key := cleantext (p_text => p_pwd); v_slot := cleantext (p_text => to_char (p_slot)); dbms_output.put_line ('--Info :: store in Slot : ' || v_slot || ' PWD :: ' || v_key); if p_store = 'FUNCTION' then v_template :=replace (v_f_template , '##CRYPT_KEY##' , (encrypt (v_key)) ); v_template :=replace (v_template, '##Slot##', v_slot); elsif p_store = 'TABLE' then null; -- implement here your setup table to store the pwd -- elsif p_store = 'OBJECT' then select count (*) into v_count from user_types where type_name = 'PWD_WALLET'; if v_count < 1 then -- create the object spec execute immediate v_o_template_s; v_template :=replace (v_o_template_b , '##CRYPT_KEY' || v_slot || '##', (encrypt (v_key))); else -- get the code of the object -- check if object exists v_template := 'create or replace '; for rec in c_read_type loop if instr (rec.text , 'Slot' || v_slot ) > 1 then -- correct line v_template := v_template || regexp_replace (rec.text , '[RETURN (''].*['');]' , 'RETURN (''' || (encrypt (v_key)) || ''');' ); else v_template := v_template || rec.text; end if; end loop; end if; end if; --dbms_output.put_line('--Info :: try to execute : '|| v_template); execute immediate v_template; end storepwd; --+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- get User password -- select encrypt_util.getuserpwd(2) from dual; --+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- function getuserpwd (p_slot number, p_private_key varchar2 default 'NO') return varchar2 is v_count pls_integer; v_template_0 varchar2 (2000) := 'declare v_pwd pwd_wallet; begin v_pwd:=pwd_wallet(''xxx''); :val:=encrypt_util.decrypt(v_pwd.getUserPWD##Slot##); end; '; v_template_f varchar2 (2000) := ' begin :val:=encrypt_util.decrypt(getSecretUserPwd##Slot##); end; '; v_pwd varchar2 (2000); v_slot varchar2 (2); v_template varchar2 (2000); begin -- set your private key to harden the safe if p_private_key != 'NO' then g_crypt_clear_key := getkeyfromlocal(p_private_key); else g_crypt_clear_key := getkeyfromlocal; end if; --dbms_output.put_line ('-- Info :: set New Key ::'||g_crypt_clear_key); g_encryption_key := utl_raw.cast_to_raw (g_crypt_clear_key); v_slot := cleantext (p_text => to_char (p_slot)); -- if object exitst use object select count (*) into v_count from user_types where type_name = 'PWD_WALLET'; if v_count > 0 then v_template :=replace (v_template_0 , '##Slot##' , v_slot); else -- must be a function or a table select count (*) into v_count from user_objects where object_name = upper ('getSecretUserPwd' || v_slot); if v_count > 0 then v_template :=replace (v_template_f, '##Slot##', v_slot); else -- implment your table data store here raise_application_error (-20001 , 'No PWD Function found for the slot::' || v_slot ); end if; end if; begin execute immediate v_template using out v_pwd; exception when crypt_key_error then v_pwd := 'NO_PWD_KEY_WRONG_SLOT' || v_slot; dbms_output.put_line ('-- Error :: KEY Error for PWD in Slot ' || v_slot || ' set! Error: '||SQLERRM); when crypt_value_error then v_pwd := 'NO_PWD_SET_SLOT' || v_slot; dbms_output.put_line ('-- Error :: No PWD in Slot ' || v_slot || ' set! Error:'||SQLERRM); when others then raise_application_error (-20000, 'Error read pwd from pwd_wallet:: Error' || SQLERRM); end; return v_pwd; end getuserpwd; begin g_crypt_clear_key := getkeyfromlocal; g_encryption_key := utl_raw.cast_to_raw (g_crypt_clear_key); end; /