SET linesize 130 pagesize 300 recsep OFF ttitle "Report Flashback Feature of the Database" SKIP 2 - column FLASHBACK_ON format A20 select FLASHBACK_ON from V$DATABASE / column INST_ID format A4 column RETENTION_TARGET format A20 column FLASH_SIZE format A20 column ESTIMATED_SIZE format A20 ttitle "Report Flashback Size of the Database" SKIP 2 - select to_char(INST_ID) as inst_id , RETENTION_TARGET ||' Minuten' RETENTION_TARGET , round((FLASHBACK_SIZE)/1024/1024) ||' MB' FLASH_SIZE , round((ESTIMATED_FLASHBACK_SIZE)/1024/1024)||' MB' ESTIMATED_SIZE from GV$FLASHBACK_DATABASE_LOG / ttitle "Report Flashback Logs of the Database" SKIP 2 - column last_first_time format A20 column maxsize format A10 select to_char(INST_ID) as inst_id ,max(LOG#) as last_logid ,to_char(max(FIRST_TIME),' hh24:mi') as last_first_time ,round(max(BYTES)/1024/1024)||' MB' as maxsize from GV$FLASHBACK_DATABASE_LOGFILE group by inst_id / ttitle " Flashback Restore Points" column scn format 99999999999999999 column RESTORE_POINT_TIME format a18 heading "RS P Time" column time format a18 heading "Time" column name format a30 heading "Name" column GUARANTEE_FLASHBACK_DATABASE format a6 heading "Garant." select scn , to_char(RESTORE_POINT_TIME,' hh24:mi') as RESTORE_POINT_TIME , to_char(TIME,' hh24:mi') as TIME , NAME , GUARANTEE_FLASHBACK_DATABASE from V$RESTORE_POINT; ttitle "Oldest possible time to flashback" SKIP 2 - select to_char(oldest_flashback_time,'dd-mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss') as "Oldest possible time" from v$flashback_database_log / ttitle "Oldest possible SCN to flashback" SKIP 2 - column oldest_flashback_scn format 99999999999999999999999999 heading "Oldest possible SCN" select oldest_flashback_scn from v$flashback_database_log / ttitle "Report Flashback Logs Buffer" SKIP 2 - column name format A40 select * from v$sgastat where name like 'flashback%'; ttitle off